Livingston Parish Coroner's Office  
Ron Coe, M.D., Coroner

PO Box 1507, 20355 Government Blvd. Suite C, Livingston, LA 70754
Phone: 225.686.3980 • Fax: 225.686.3979
Welcome To Livingston Parish Coroner's Website
MISSION STATEMENT: An office for the living, an office to promote and preserve life, to prevent foul play in death, to help the mentally ill and to protect victims of sexual assault.

The Livingston Parish Coroner’s Office is the medical legal government entity mandated by Louisiana State Law to investigate and determine the manner and cause of deaths falling within its jurisdiction.  Mandated Coroner cases are:

  • Suspicious, unexpected, or unusual deaths.
  • Sudden or violent deaths.
  • Deaths due to unknown or obscure causes or in any unusual manner.
  • Bodies found dead.
  • Deaths without an attending physician within thirty-six hours prior to the hour of death.
  • Deaths due to suspected suicide or homicide.
  • Deaths in which poison is suspected.
  • Any death from natural causes occurring in a hospital under twenty-four hours admission unless seen by a physician in the last thirty-six hours.
  • Deaths following an injury or accident either old or recent.
  • Deaths due to drowning, hanging, burns, electrocution, gunshot wounds, stabs or cutting, lightning, starvation, radiation, exposure, alcoholism, addiction, tetanus, strangulation, suffocation, or smothering.
  • Deaths due to trauma from whatever cause.
  • Deaths due to criminal means or by casualty.
  • Deaths in prison or while serving a sentence.
  • Deaths due to virulent contagious disease that might be caused by or cause a public hazard, including acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
  • Deaths of infants under the age of one year who die unexpectedly without explanation.
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